Strict Mpasi - You're not alone

Yeah masih membahs soal Mpasi...

Kali ini bahasannya lebih soal ke curhat Mpasi no gulgar yg versi saklek / keras dlm peraturan dengan versi fleksibel. 

Oke.....skrng waktunya saya mau brtanya sama para mommies nich.

1. Termasuk Mpasi no gulgar kah?

2. Pernah gak Mpasi no gulgar kt dibilang aliran sesat?

3. Pernah tidak kt melihat or mengetahui ternyata anak kita dicekokin snack, es krim or apapun jg mknan yg belum layak dikonsumsi sblom dia diatas 1Y?

Jawab dalam hati masing2.....dan mari kita share disini, ayo moms..... 

Klo saya termasuk jawaban iya semua.

Sedangkan untuk kasus no.2 biasanya brusaha tuk cari pembelaan lewat Dsa yg sepaham dengan kita or print out artikel resmi entah dr Unicef, WHO, etc yg pasti bukti yg sudah melalui penelitian dan diakui di dunia kesehatan. 

Sedangkan untuk kasus no.3 paling drama airmata, uring2an, curhat cari suport....akhirnya berujung ngamuk gak jelas, lupa cari solusi pemecahannya. 

Nah moms....klo yg no.3 ini "YOU'RE NOT ALONE". Hampir para moms yg anut aliran no gulgar mengalaminya, even saya pun juga. Tapiiii.....saya berpikir, klo terlalu saklek nanti kita bertengkar sama keluarga, nah klo gitu kan jd rempong.  

Emang sich sedih lihat nasib kesehatan anak kita dirusak oleh pihak yg tak bertanggung jawab.....ya eyelah....kita ortu kasih yg terbaik untuk anak kita, tp di intrup pihak luar, jika terjadi sesuatu dengan pencernaan anak....yg repot panik, kedokter cari penyembuhannya siapa? 

Dr pada gazebo (gak jelas bo...) mending solusi kasus no.3 saya pilih dengan fleksibel rule. 

Saya tetap berpegang teguh pada aliran no gulgar demi kesehatan anak kami kelak. "My baby is my rule".

Sedangkan cara mengatasi drama nano2, saya coba berpikir lebih positifnya....jaman dulu dimasa era "kegelapan" info mengenai kesehatan & mpasi bayi gak ada rulenya, kt toh dicekokkin bubur pk garam, makan pisang....tapi teteup hidupkan sampai saat ini, sehat pula.....

Nah....jadi klo sampai kecolongan & kejadiannya bisa kita cegah untuk kedepannya....yach mbok drama cengengnya disimpen ajah, buat nanti nonton film korea yg sedih2 ajah....

So...buat para momies yg sering menahan aneka macam perasaan saat Mpasi no gulgar ini kita tidak dihargai.....jangan sedih berlarut larut yach....

"Cause u're not alone...."

Saya termasuk salah satunya dr sekian mommies yg pernah menghadapinya.  

Klo kt terus larut dalam perasaan negatif krna tidak dihargainya keputusan "nyeleneh" kita....maka debay akan terlantar pola makannya & akan semakin bnyak debay kecolongan tablefood/snack, mending kita fokus pada pemecahannya bgaimna supaya debay kita sehat.  

So....ayo para moms semua, mari angkat kepalamu, jernihkan pikiran & hati. Gendong bayi kita...kasih mereka bisikan ajaib "nak...sabar yach, nanti klo sudah waktunya kamu pasti akan mkan makanan tersebut."

Solusi lainnya....Klo ini kt harus lihat sikon. 

Misalnya....tiba2 debay disodorin eskrim or kuah bakso / bakmi. Jika kejadiannya masih bisa dihitung oleh jari tangan....or kecolongan saat kita berlibur.

Usahakan....nafas panjang, lalu dibicarakan baik2 supaya debay jgn dikasih tablefood lagi dengan alasan simple "....pencernaan anakku blom sempurna loh, kmrn salah makan saja pub nya jelek." 

"Kasian jg debay jd rewel klo ada mknan yg blom bs diterima drngan baik dlm perutnya loh....".

Nah...klo kita tenang & berusaha fleksibel....maka kita bs menemukan solusi yg baik dimana tidak ada pihak yg merasa tidak dihargai usahanya.


1. Moms ingat you're not alone....saat Mpasi no gulgar mu tidak dihargai orng sekitarmu. 

2. Usahakan fleksibel & lihat sikon.

3. Jika usahamu masih teteeuup tidak dihargai kakek/nenek....kurangi saja kunjungannya. Dan cari alasan tepat, lambat laun mereka akan sadar kok...klo mereka sudah memaksakan kehendak mereka dalam pola asuh anak kita sendiri.


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The Dangers ofAdding Salt to Baby Food

Health professionals advise against adding salt to baby food - but have you ever wondered why? And could you already be including too much salt in your baby's diet without realizing?

Why too much salt is dangerous

The human body needs some salt in order to function correctly. Salt cannot be reproduced by the body, so a little salt is a necessary part of our daily diet.But a baby's salt requirements are VERY small (less than 1g per day up to the age of 12 months) - and these needs are met by his breastmilk or formula.His kidneys are simply not equipped to process more salt than this -meaning that adding salt to baby food can lead to serious kidney damage. There have even been extreme situations in which babies have died as a result of consuming too much salt.This tragic story from the BBCis one such example, where a very young baby (only 3 months of age) died after being fed a diet of pureed adult food - which, of course, far exceeded the levels of salt appropriate for an infant.There is also growing evidence that consuming too much salt from an early age can lead to high blood pressure in later life - particularly in families with a history of hypertension.

So should my baby's food be bland?

Well, you may find food bland if it's cooked without salt, because your palate is probably accustomed to saltier flavours. But remember that your baby's palate is undeveloped and that he hasn't yet acquired a preference for salty tastes! In fact, foods that you consider bland may be perfectly acceptable to your little one - after all, he won't miss what he hasn't yet experienced.On the other hand, ensuring that your baby's food is 'salt-free' doesn't mean that it has to be 'flavour-free' too! In fact, one of the aims of our site is to help you create meals for your baby that are both safe AND delicious!

Adding flavour without adding salt

Instead of adding salt to baby food, try addingherbs, aromatic spices or garlicinstead. These 'natural flavourings' actually offer many health benefits in their own right.Some parents choose to use No-Salt Herbal Seasonings in their babies' meals - a little black pepper adds a flavourful boost to dishes, too - and is also a wonderful aid to digestion.Do bear in mind that herbs, spices and garlic should be treated as new foods when you first introduce them to your baby - this means that they should be given separately, at leastfour days apart, to help you identify and avoid potentialfood allergiesor digestive problems.And remember - the introduction of ANY new foods should first be discussed with your child's doctor.

Adding salt to baby food - hidden sources of salt in your little one's diet

Be VERY careful when preparing formula for your baby. The instructions on formula cans tell you that it's important to ensure your baby's formula is not too concentrated - this is partly because too high a concentration of formula will contain too much salt.Do not use commercial gravy or stock cubes when cooking for your baby, as these are high in salt. Instead, try our recipes forchicken stockbeef stockvegetable stockgravyIf you use canned/tinned vegetables when cooking for your baby, check the label to make sure no salt has been added.It may seem safe to give foods created for toddlers to your baby. But toddlers can tolerate slightly higher levels of salt than those recommended for an infant. Instead, make sure that any commercially prepared foods you give your baby are labelled as being appropriate for his age group.Look for low sodium cheeses when shopping for your baby and check labels on bread very carefully - you'd be surprised by just how much salt some brands contain!Avoid processes meats (like ham, pepperoni etc) and other processed foods like ready made sauces and baked beans. The levels of salt in these foods will be too high for your baby.


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A: "Hai jeng...wau anaknya makan apa tuh?"

B: "Makan daging, sayur tanpa gula garam & tentunya homemadAh ada rasanya atu jeng...yg ada nanti baby jadi mingkem".
Anak saya ajah sudah pake gula garam makannya mingkem, trus sudah kasih bubur instan juga mingkem, situ malah homemade".

B: "Jeng...klo pake gulgar, kasian loh kerja ginjal babynya jd berat. Trusss....walau tanpa gulgar kan ada pengganti rasa dari bumbu dapur seperti bawang putih, merah, bombay, daun jeruk, kemiri dan teman temannya....selain ituuu.... puji syukur sampai saat ini babyku gak pernah tu makan mingkem, even puncaknya 8M yg terkenal baby mulai rewel soal slera justru malah makin ganas soal rasa makanannya".

A: .............. B: .............

Jadi, kurang lebih gitu deh percakapan yg sering saya alami setiap saya kash makan ke debay.
Semua orng pasti terheran dengan aliran Mpasi saya yaitu "Say no to gulgar & usahakan homemade".
Mau tau alasannya kenapa saya pilih aliran tersebut....& yg pasti ini bukan aliran sesat dan pasti sudah melewati penelitian. Jadi gak asal koar koar plong kaya permen polo.....

Semoga cukup membantu ya moms..

Salt should never be used to flavor your baby's food - whether it is homemadebaby food or jarred food!

Dra. Cynthia Castrillo answers:
No. Babies one year old and below should not be given any kind of salt, even if
it is fortified with iodine.
Experts maintain that salt in the diet is not recommended during the infancy
stage. After the first year, when table food has been
introduced in the child's diet, salt, to a minimum, may be added.

The Department of Health's campaign to use iodized salt addresses the problem of
micronutrient deficiency in older children. When children lack iodine in their
diet, they can suffer from delayed physical and mental development.
That said, remember that food with high salt content (even if it is fortified
and marked by the Sangkap Pinoy seal) is not good for babies and children.

Read more about salt and your baby's

Warning after salt kills baby

Salt warning for children

The Dangers of Adding Salt to Baby Food

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